NRC Claim Form: An Application For Claiming To Include Name in NRC Assam

NRC Claim Form: An Application For Claiming To Include Name in NRC Assam: How to Correct / Include Name in NRC: File Claims and Objections. NRC Claims and Objections: How to Apply for Name Correction - NRC. NRC Claim Form: My Name Is Not Included In The Draft NRC, What Should I Do Next? Your name was not seen in the DRC draft? If yes! Then you are in the right place, today in this article I'm going to tell you about "NRC Claim Form". Yes! The NRC has issued a form of Assam which is a claim form. If your name is completely drafted NRC If you are not seen, you can fill in this form or claim to include your name on the format NRC. But the question is where and how to submit this form. So, let's find out below. The Complete Draft NRC consisting of names of all eligible applicants will be published by 30th July 2018. 

THIS IS NOT THE FINAL N RC. Applicants who do not find their names in the Complete Draft NRC will be given ample opportunity to prove their eligibility for inclusion in the final NRC. Such applicants  are required to submit their Claim in the prescribed form. There is also a provision to submit Objection against any ineligible name included in the Complete Draft NRC. Corrections can also be made in respect of errors in the spellings of names, age, address details etc. FINAL NRC WILL BE PUBLISHED ONLY AFTER DISPOSAL OF ALL CLAIMS, OBJECTIONS & CORRECTIONS. 

Who can submit Claim or Objection?

• Only those applicants who submitted NRC Application Form until 31st August 2015 can submit Claims
• Objections can be submitted by any person Where can the Claim and Objection be submitted?
• Claims can only be submitted at the NRC Seva Kendra (NSK) where the Claimant had earlier submitted the Application Form
• Even if an applicant has changed address after submission of Application Form, Claim can be submitted only at the NSK where the NRC Application was submitted originally
• Objections can be submitted only at the NSK covering the residence of the person against whom the objection has been submitted
• Claim or Objection is required to be submitted to the Local Registrar of Citizen Registration (LRCR) at the NSK When can the Claim, Objection and Correction forms be submitted?
• Claims, Objections and Correction forms will be received from 30th August to 28th September 2018 at the NSK in the prescribed form

How to get the forms?

• Forms for Claim, Objection and Correction will be made available at the NSKs and also available for download from from 7th August 2018 onwa rds
• Specimen Forms are available for viewing and download in the website from 23rd July 2018

What to submit with the Claim or Objection?

• As per reason of non-inclusion, the Claim can be submitted with additional documents or with the same documents as submitted earlier
• Objection will require submission of grounds for objection

How to know the reason(s) of non-inclusion of names?

• An application will be required to be submitted to the LRCR at the designated NSK asking for reason of non-inclusion of name(s) in the Complete Draft NRC. This process will start from 7th August 2018 to 28th September 2018. Form for this application will be available at the NSK and also available for download online at Other points to be noted
• Complete Draft NRC and Final NRC will contain particulars of only those persons born up to the last date of submission of the Application Form (up to 31st August 2015) and whose names are submitted in the Application Form. Inclusion of any child born to an applicant after 31st August 2015 cannot be done through Claims
• Similarly, if an applicant died after Application Form submission, his/her name in case eligible will not be excluded from the Complete Draft NRC
• Claims & Objections can only be submitted at the NSKs and not online. Corrections, however, can also be made online

Applicants who do not find their names in the Complete Draft NRC need not worry. All genuine Indian Citizens as per cut-off date of 24,n March 1971 (midnight) will be included in the Final NRC.

How To Fill-Up NRC Claim Application Form?

Applicants may approach the LRCR at their NRC Seva Kendra (NSK) from 7th August to 28th September, 2018 to know about the reason for non-inclusion in the Complete Draft NRC. Any person having any claim or objection or application for correction may apply, as per Forms available at the NSK or downloaded from NRC Web-Site and submit the same before the LRCR during the period 30th August, 2018 to 28th September, 2018, subject to the following conditions:

1. Only those applicants who submitted Application Form until 31st August 2015 can submit Claims. A valid ARN (Application Receipt Number) will be essential for submitting the Claim. Claim can be submitted with additional documents or with the same documents as submitted earlier.

2. Objections can be submitted by any person. Objection will require submission of grounds for objection.

3. Claims can only be submitted at the NRC Seva Kendra where the Claimant had earlier submitted the Application Form. Even if an applicant has changed address after submission of Application Form, Claim can be submitted only at the NSK where the NRC Application was submitted originally.

4. Objections can be submitted only at the NSK covering the residence of the person against whom the objection has been submitted.

5. Complete Draft or Final NRC will contain particulars of only those persons born upto the date of submission of the Application Form (upto 31st August 2015) and whose names were submitted in the Application Form. Inclusion of any child born to an applicant after 31st August 2015 cannot be done through Claims. Similarly, if an applicant died after Application Form submission, his/her name in case eligible will not be excluded from the Complete Draft NRC.


Submission and receipt of Claims, Objections and Corrections forms: 30th August to 28,h September 2018
Submission of application to know reason(s) of non-inclusion of names in Complete Draft NRC: 7th August to 28'" September 2018

To know more and for assistance  Please call our 24x7 Toll Free Helpline Nos. 

➧ 15107 (for Assam)
➧ 18003453762 (for outside Assam)

 Important Link

Here is the official link to see all the Forms 

